Volunteer Opportunities 2024-2025


Thank you for your willingness to volunteer! Our Stanley community thrives because of the tireless willingness of parents to offer their resources and time to building our community in a variety of ways. 


For the 2024-2025 school year, the District will use "BE A MENTOR," an online portal to streamline volunteer screening.  For all volunteer roles at Stanley, you will be required to have TB Screening Clearance AND Live Scan Fingerprinting. 


Here is a breakdown of the Stanley Middle School Requirements. 



There are many possible ways you can volunteer. Please note, we'd love your ideas as well. So many of you have talents, please let us know how you may be able to apply them:

  • Host gathering for parents to build community
  • On campus opportunities - Campus Cruisers and Hot Lunch Volunteers
  • Help show Faculty/Staff Appreciation
  • Write letters/make calls to legislators regarding education funding

Thank you for providing us with your contact information so we can call on you when the time comes. Please contact vpvolunteers@stanleypta.org, if you have any questions about how to get involved.



Current Volunteer Needs

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