PTA Committee Chairs for 2024-2025

PTA Committee Chairs are typically appointed in the spring of the prior school year that they serve.  If you are interested in serving on a committee, please contact the current chair to get involved using our Directory. Many hands make light work!


  • 6th Grade/New Student Orientation - Rachel Cheng & Kellie Piacente
  • 6th Grade Picnic Co-Chairs - Carolyn Margiotti & Elizabeth Siamas
  • 6th Grade Representatives - Ria Di Constanzo & Amanda Clark
  • 7th Grade Picnic Co-Chairs - Ashley Matter & Jennifer Pierce
  • 7th Grade Representatives - Carrie Welch, Maya Lanphere & Jana Hattersley
  • 8th Grade Promotion Party - Kellie Piacente, Abbey Chun, Amy Lewis, Jen Ruhl
  • 8th Grade Representatives - Lisa Graham & Lisa Furtado 
  • Arts Appreciation Display Case Chair - Jennifer Selfridge
  • Campus Cruisers - Sophia Kim
  • Copy/Laminating Coordinator - David Holl
  • Cultural Fair Co-Chairs -  Erin Brockman and Team
  • Green Team - Blayne Feinberg  
  • GRO Parent Liaison - Megan Moore
  • Health Screening - Gretchen La Rotonda & Cara Pierce
  • Hospitality - Katie Blair
  • Hot Lunch Program Coordinator - Julie Lonergan 
  • LPIE Stanley Co-Chairs - Moneeka Shah & Jaime Polson
  • LPIE Stanley Gala Chair - OPEN
  • New Family Welcome Coordinators - Susan Corkery & Maxine Fisher   
  • Odyssey of the Mind - Marisa LeVeque
  • Parent/Staff Social - Lisa Furtado & Alycia Doyle
  • Reflections Arts Program Co-Chairs - Jennie Held & Caroline Rhame
  • Reservoir Run - Katie Blair 
  • School Bus Liaison - Liz Keyser
  • Spirit Wear - Shila Doranni 
  • Sports Program Coordinator - Ashlie Miller
  • Staff Appreciation Lunches - Stacey Hastings  
  • Staff Appreciation Hospitality- Caitlin Debban & Sara Darby
  • Staff Appreciation Week - Jennifer Palmer
  • Website Coordinator - Amanda Clark
  • Wildcats on Stage - Piper LaGrelius
  • Wildcat Weekly Editor - Kristin Strange
  • World Language Liaison - Mindy Harmeyer 

If you are interested in filling any open positions, please contact 


Updated June 24, 2024


PTA Coordinator Job Descriptions

Please find below PTA Coordinator Job Descriptions:



Arts Appreciation Display Case Coordinator:

The Arts Appreciation Display Case celebrates Stanley students involved in the visual and performing arts. Categories include 2-D art, Instrumental Music, Dance, Theater, Vocal Music, Videography, Photography, and Creative Writing. Coordinator rotates display in case every 2 months during the school year. Coordinator solicits entries from students, teachers, and parents. Secures approval from student to display. Posts artwork, photos, and credits on black cardstock. This is a fun, creative job.


Campus Cruisers:

Coordinates parent volunteers (via SignUp Genius) to serve throughout the year as an extra on-campus presence during lunchtime. Attend Assistant Principal’s volunteer training at the beginning of the year and ensure new volunteers receive that brief in-service before volunteering. In the springtime, prepare a few communications to be shared with incoming 6th grade parents to encourage their participation in the program the following year.


Copy/Laminating: Coordinator: 

The coordinator schedules 3 - 5 volunteers to come in once a week to copy papers that teachers submit and another group of 3 - 5 volunteers to laminate projects teachers submit. That would mean each volunteer only needs to come once a month. Training and the list of people interested in helping are provided.


Cultural Fair Co-Chairs:

Chair all meetings related to event planning. Collaborate with DEIB Committee, PTA and Principal to plan date and time of event to coordinate event planning. Include the DEIB student committee in plans. Oversee event publicity. Coordinate communications to family participants, vendors and volunteers. Order supplies (decorations, food service items, etc). Manage all events/vendors/volunteers on the night of the event.


Green Team Chair:  

Chair meet and work with Brian Mangold to support Stanley’s green goals and initiatives. Activities have included coordinating volunteers to organize the Lost and Found and return labeled belongings, supporting efforts to reduce landfill waste by increasing waste diversion efforts, assisting with the application process for the Waste Buster’s grant, and coordinating the sales of reusable lunch boxes and label tags during the registration process.


GRO Parent Liaison:

GRO means "Global Relief Outreach," an organization that reaches out to the world to help others in need. The Parent Liaison assists GRO students (who meet on a regular basis as a lunchtime club, under the supervision of a teacher) as needed to provide adult supervision for various fundraising projects. GRO students fundraise for charities by selling popsicles at lunch on Fridays. The GRO parent liaison is the one who purchases the popsicles (and is reimbursed for the purchases) and keeps the freezer in the office stocked throughout the year. The liaison enlists other parent support as needed, and serves as the point of contact between parents and the GRO program.


Health Screening Coordinator:

Coordinate volunteers who sign up to help with logistics during vision, hearing and scoliosis screenings. In September and 3 other mornings during the year. No medical background needed; this is an easy volunteer coordinating role using Sign Up Genius.



The Chair provides setup and cleanup of light refreshments (such as coffee, cookies, fruit) for the PTA General Association meetings of the year.


Hot Lunch Program Coordinator: 

The Hot Lunch Coordinator recruits parents to help serve hot lunch daily. If needed, the coordinator will come on campus, if needed, to help organize service.


New Family Welcome Coordinators: 

The Coordinators organize a table for New Families (to the District) during Orientation to answer questions and provide information. They host a New Families Social in August. This event is coordinated with the LPIE school reps, in the evening, and usually at a home (but can be flexible). The goal is to connect new families to each other and introduce them to what LPIE and the PTA do. The New Family Welcome Coordinator also is expected to give tours of Stanley to families as requested throughout the year.


Odyssey of the Mind Coordinator:

The Coordinator disseminates information about Odyssey of the Mind early in the fall to students and their parents, recruits students for the program, and recruits coaches for the OM teams from parents of interested students. Usually this dissemination is done via the Wildcat Weekly, and a one time meeting with parents and interested students and the regional OM coordinator in a one-hour meeting on a weeknight in the faculty lounge. Once the information has been disseminated, and students and coaches have been recruited, the task is to form teams of 5-7 students, each with a parent coach, and ideally a co-coach.


Orientation Day Chair:

Chair is responsible for coordinating logistics and parent volunteers for Orientation at Stanley (Sunday before school starts). Chair also coordinate with LPIE and various program coordinators (i.e.Spirit Wear, Green Team, Hot Lunch, Campus Cruisers, New Family Welcome, Odyssey of the Mind, Reflections, Res Run etc) to ensure they have their desired setup (e.g. table) if they want to participate in Orientation. The Orientation chair for the cinch sack with map and welcome items for incoming new students and 6th graders. Chair is also responsible for working to organize a parent welcome during Orientation (snacks, balloons, etc).


Reflections Arts Program Coordinator: 

The Reflections Program provides opportunities in the fall for students to express themselves creatively and to receive positive recognition for original works of art inspired by a pre-selected theme. The Reflections Program recognizes students at the local unit, council, PTA district, state and national levels. The committee coordinator is responsible for promoting the Reflections Program to teachers, parents and students. The coordinator gathers the entries, recruits judges, and submits the students’ work to the PTA council and beyond. This past year the Reflections Chairs also organized a Kick Off event to help publicize the theme. They created a Post-It Wall on the blacktop where students could post what the theme meant to them. They also hosted a “Salon” after all entries were submitted. Students met in the art classroom at lunch for Popcorn and Popsicles to talk about the creative process and what inspired them. Both events were immensely popular but up to the new Coordinator to continue.


Reservoir Run Coordinator:

Help publicize this annual fall event within the Stanley community by posting flyers and submitting announcements for distribution via Wildcat Weekly. The Chamber of Commerce disseminates announcements that can then be forwarded on by the Coordinator. This coordinator promotes the benefit of volunteering and/or running in the event “for Stanley,” because every participant that elects Stanley as his/her school of choice earns extra money for our school from the proceeds of the Reservoir Run.


School Bus Liaison:

The Stanley School Bus Liaison position does not require a lot of time but serves as an important point of contact for parents and school officials regarding school buses. The most important responsibility is to be available for the 30 min-1 hour monthly meetings held at 9am of bus representatives from Lamorinda schools and the bus contractor that are held at the Lafayette City offices. These meetings provide a forum to talk about any issues, problems, plans, costs, etc. having to do with the school bus program. Occasionally, the Liaison will then have information to be disseminated in the Wildcat Weekly or by Stanley administrators.


Spirit Wear Coordinator: 

This coordinator is the point of contact between the PTA (which administers the spirit wear program at Stanley) and the spirit wear vendor. She/he works with the vendor in May and June to review and approve design and merchandise selections to be made available for sale. The coordinator works with the PTA Webmaster to ensure that the online ordering portal is linked on the PTA website, and is publicized in communications going out to parents. The coordinator facilitates one or two on-campus merchandise pick-up days in the fall. Leadership t-shirts are ordered for the class (a variation of the spirit wear offerings). The coordinator also staffs a booth during Orientation, Back To School Night in the fall and Get to Know Stanley Night in the winter, before Winter Concerts, sometimes during Lunch, and before sports games. The Coordinator also selects and manages a Spring Sprit Wear pack for incoming 6th graders and ensures it is publicized at the elementary schools.


Sports Program Coordinator:

This coordinator works directly with the Stanley Athletic director who is responsible for the after-school sports program.  This volunteer serves as a liaison between parents and the AD and coordinates getting critical information to parents. This includes having a table at Wildcat Day and being present to answer questions and hand out information on all of the sports Stanley offers (FAQ document and individual flyers).  The Coordinator also ensures that key dates and deadlines are included in the Wildcat Weekly and that any sports news is submitted for morning announcements and into the Wildcat Weekly.


Staff Appreciation Coordinator and Hospitality: 

Coordinator(s) plan and put special luncheons and events throughout the school year. Coordinators are responsible for planning food, decorations and staffing for the events, and coordinating with school personnel to calendar events and ensure facilities are reserved, preferably in August, for event use.


Stafff Appreciation Week Coordinator:

Coordinator plans and organizes a Staff Appreciation Week and holiday gifts/brunch for teachers (no gift cards)


Website Coordinator:

Maintain PTA website hosted via Membership Toolkit. Manage updates as needed to the home page as events come up and to the Web Store as items are added/deleted. 


Wildcats on Stage (WOS) Drama Program Coordinator:

The Coordinator is the point of contact for the WOS program and the PTA, the administration to produce each WOS production. The Coordinator oversees production selection and budgeting, as well as administrates the registration, audition and rehearsal process for both the fall and spring productions. 


Wildcat Weekly Editor:

The Wildcat Weekly, Stanley’s weekly PTA newsletter, is distributed electronically via Membership Toolkit. Editor is responsible for collecting submissions from the Principal, the PTA President, school administrators and teachers (news, awards, activities, events, sports information, calendar reminders), photos from the Director of Communications for What’s Happening at Stanley, and preparing that info for publishing. The editor also accepts submissions for the “Community” section that fit newsletter guidelines. The mailing list is auto-managed through Membership Toolkit. Newsletter submissions are due Thursday at 5pm. The newsletter is scheduled for 8pm Sunday delivery.


World Languages Liaison: 

Work closely with World Languages Teachers to run and support the following annual programs: Cultural Faire (CF) (support 2-3 Chairpersons), Colombian and German Visitors' programs, International Concert and additional activities, as requested/needed by teachers.  Meet with WL Teachers 2-3 times per year (on Wednesdays 8 - 9 AM).  With teachers and CF Chairs, assess year-over-year program/event requirements, select date for Cultural Faire and complete necessary district paperwork to secure date and facilities requirements.  Work at Cultural Faire event.  Provide PTA budget evaluation/guidance/tracking for & with Teachers and to the PTA to secure following year's budget. Assist with creating event sign-ups, purchase event/program materials and Stanley spirit items.  Be available to Stanley Administration for event/program budget reconciliation.  


6th Grade Picnic Chair(s):

Plan and put on--with the help of many parent volunteers and a healthy budget--a fun afternoon for the 6th graders to celebrate the end of the school year. Key responsibilities include: lunch and snack planning, indoor and outdoor entertainment areas, volunteer coordination, and event administration (ensuring facilities are properly arranged in August, the event stays within budget, and communications are handled efficiently among volunteers and school administration).


7th Grade Picnic Chair(s):

Plan and put on--with the help of many parent volunteers and a healthy budget--a fun afternoon for the 7th graders to celebrate the end of the school year. Key responsibilities include: lunch and snack planning, indoor and outdoor entertainment areas, volunteer coordination, and event administration (ensuring facilities are properly arranged in August, the event stays within budget, and communications are handled efficiently among volunteers and school administration).


8th Grade Promotion Party Chair(s):

Plan and put on--with the help of many parent volunteers and a healthy budget--a big send-off party for the 8th graders before they leave Stanley to start their high school careers.  Key responsibilities include: decorations, dinner and desert planning, indoor and outdoor entertainment areas, DJ, volunteer coordination, and event administration (ensuring facilities are properly arranged in August, the event stays within budget, and communications are handled efficiently among volunteers and school administration).


6th/7th/8th Grade Representatives:

Plan 2-3 grade level social events per year. These events are casual low/no budget, no host gatherings for parents only or families.



Updated June 24, 2024