Stanley Middle School Programs
Unlike Events, Programs are held throughout the year and are not date-specific.
Stanley students with the help of Stanley Staff create clubs throughout the year that typically meet during lunch time. Anyone can join and anyone is free to start a club. Students can find clubs that meet their interest such as Chess, Movie Club, Improv, Girls Who Code and more! Information is available through the school. Clubs are not PTA sponsored.
The City of Lafayette Parks Trails & Recreation Department has been carrying on the tradition of Junior Cotillion for many years. The Junior Cotillion Program is an introductory course for 7th graders in which students learn how to have fun dancing with a partner. The goal of The Junior Cotillion is to acquire ease, grace, and self-assurance during formal occasions. Students will learn to dance with many different partners and practice conversational manners necessary for fun at social events. Classes are held weekly at Stanley multipurpose room. Cotillion is not a Stanley or PTA event.
TOur mission is to create a positive multicultural school climate in which all members of our school community feel welcome and valued regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, religion and spiritual practice, ability, and all other aspects of identity. Our goal is to help make Stanley Middle school a safe place for our all our students and school community members. We will facilitate parent educational opportunities focusing on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging and support our students in becoming well-rounded global citizens.
Students work to create "Green" initiatives throughout the year including organizing the Lost and Found, supporting efforts to reduce landfill waste by increasing waste diversion efforts. PTA Green Team ambassadors also assist with the application process for the Waste Buster’s grant, and coordinate the sales of reusable lunch boxes and label tags during the registration process.
The "Global Relief Outreach" group at Stanley reaches out to the world to help others in need. GRO members have organized fundraisers and donated time and funds to charities such as the Red Cross, Doctors Without Borders, Peace Corps and more.
Leadership is a 5th-period elective that focuses students on getting involved in their school. We plan events, run programs, and help with getting the word out about any Stanley news. With the help of our teacher, Ms. Shegoian, we help run behind-the-scenes projects to make Stanley fun and inviting.
OM is a team-based creative problem solving competition. Kids compete in teams of 5-7 to solve a problem by performing an 8-minute skit, and participate in a Spontaneous Problem, which they see for
the first time as part of the event. OM teaches collaboration, design thinking, creativity, and thinking on your feet. It is great for kids that like to build, write, paint, tinker, solve problems, and perform.
Each year all Stanley Middle School students and staff come together to read a selected book for our One Book-One School (OBOS) program. The program focuses on developing literacy, but also is designed to build community and to promote the character-building theme Stanley has adopted for that school year. The book selection is a tightly kept secret that is only revealed at the start of the program.
Parent Education Nights
Attend our various parent education nights with guest speakers and special guests.
reflections aRT program
PTA is a strong supporter of the arts. National PTA provides one of the few programs for students that extends from elementary school, all the way through high school. Stanley PTA hosts a school-wide Reflections art contest each year. The winners move on to state and national competition!
Wildcats on Stage is a large-scale, inclusive, student-empowered program that relies heavily on the commitment of each participant. This year's Wildcats on Stage fall musical will be Mary Poppins and the spring play production will be Wendy and Peter.
Last Updated: July 1, 2024