Stanley PTA Membership 2024-2025


Stanley's PTA is about Community and Communication. We are so lucky to have such an engaged, thoughtful group of parents and faculty who have shown their tireless willingness to come together to help create the best possible learning environment for our middle schoolers. 



  • School Directory and App: Download the FREE Membership toolkit app to access the school directory and the ability to email or text other parents. 
  • Wildcat Chats: Monthly in-person gatherings led by Stanley's administration and staff on topics such as curriculum, social/emotional engagement, executive function, and how to support your child during the middle school years.
  • Wildcat Weekly: Weekly newsletter with timely information about upcoming events from the Administration/Staff and PTA, including opportunities to build community.
  • School Calendar: Stay informed on upcoming events and school happenings.
  • Resources: Access to educational opportunities and community events.
  • Stanley Community: Connect with our community through a variety of ways. 
  • Vote: Let your voice be heard at PTA General Meetings!


  • Activities:  Your PTA membership fee helps support activities such as Odyssey of the Mind, Reflections Art Contest, Opportunity Knocks, Student Council, Advocacy and Community Building.
  • Faculty:  The PTA supports our faculty's in-class efforts, and organizes lunches and appreciation efforts throughout the year. 
  • Advocacy: The California PTA Association is a voice of advocacy for students throughout the state. This is even more important today than ever. 

Joining the PTA is the only way you can get access to our Online Directory. We will hold PTA meetings five times a year, and they will be associated with our Wildcat Chats.  You are not required to attend meetings but are always welcome, and PTA membership will provide you with voting rights.  


Thank you for choosing to stay informed and get involved in your child's education at Stanley.  We are better together!

Don't know if you joined already? Clicking the link will notify you if you've already completed the form or you can check Previous Orders in your account section.


 Note: To access Forms you must be logged-in.




Last Updated: July 15, 2024