Yearbook Announcement: Pictures Needed!
Stanley's Yearbook staff is looking for the following photos: We love to feature friends that have been friends since they were little. Please send us a picture of THEN and also a picture NOW - recreating a picture is ideal!
Students and Pets: New this year - we would love to feature your child with their favorite pet. Send us a fun photo to include in the yearbook.
Thanksgiving Break Fun: Did your student go somewhere fun during break? Or did they get together with some friends? Send us a photo or two of your child having fun over break!
Student Spotlight: We are still needing photos of your child being extraordinary! Please send us pictures of your child in an outside sport, hobby, or talent. We would love to spotlight them in the yearbook!
It is so easy to send in photos right from your phone! To submit photos go to and enter our school code 6605, or download the HJ Share app and enter our 6605 code.
Understanding the Importance of Local Support for Our Schools This week, Superintendent Brent Stephens and LPIE Executive Director Danielle Gallagher hosted an informative presentation on how our Lafayette schools are funded and the vital role local support plays in sustaining the high-quality education we all value. For those who couldn’t attend, here are some key highlights:
School Funding Basics:
The Impact of LPIE:
How You Can Make a Difference: We’ve made the presentation slides available for you to review at your convenience. Please feel free to take a look and reach out if you have any questions. Thank you for your ongoing support of Lafayette’s schools! Together, we can continue to uphold the standard of excellence in our public education system. To view the presentation slides please click here: Presentation Link. |
Hot Lunch Volunteers 2024 - 2025 Needed!
Come help serve lunch at Stanley as the students quickly grab their food!
If you have any questions please contact
Campus Cruisers 2024-2025
Campus Cruisers is a program for parents to provide a friendly presence on campus at lunchtime. Choose the days that work for you and then show up to observe Stanley students in their natural environment! Consider pairing up with a friend for a Campus Cruiser shift; it's a short time commitment but a fun thing to do! Details and sign up here:
Stanley MS Campus Cruisers 2024-25
If you have any questions please contact
Lafayette School district New Volunteer requirements
For the 2024-2025 school year, the District will use "BE A MENTOR," an online portal to streamline volunteer screening. For all volunteer roles at Stanley you will be required to have a
TB Screening Clearance AND Live Scan Fingerprinting on file
plus Driver's License and Declaration of Insurance, if you plan to drive for after school sports.
If you have questions, read this Stanley Middle School Volunteer Requirements
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, January 16
- Monday, January 20
- Tuesday, February 4
- Friday, February 14
- Monday, February 17