We are excited to lead LPIE's efforts at Stanley! We welcome the chance to answer any questions you may have or simply to brag about the wonderful things LPIE is providing our kids. Please feel free to contact us for more information - Moneeka Shah and Jaime Polson, LPIE 2024 - 2025 Stanley Co-Chairs


LPIE is a community-based education foundation run by a volunteer board and small staff, working to enhance and expand the educational opportunities for students in Lafayette’s six public schools: Burton Valley, Happy Valley, Lafayette, and Springhill Elementary Schools, Stanley Middle School, and Acalanes High School.



Our charge this year...to provide $4.6 million to our six public schools. How do we do this? With your help! Our goal is for 100% of Lafayette school families to participate. Every dollar makes an impact! 




Major Donors ($5,000+) receive special recognition and benefits as champions of Lafayette public schools.


LPIE at Stanley

LPIE provides well over $1 million in funds that covers:

  • 31 electives classes including world languages, robotics, and WHEEL
  • LPIE science and art instructors
  • Math support and intervention
  • Music mentors
  • Counselors, a wellness center, and lunch time clubs
  • Classroom funds and supplies
  • 1:1 Chromebooks

About LPIE


LPIE was founded in 1980 as the Lafayette Arts & Science Foundation (LASF) by a small group of parents concerned about the cutbacks in arts and science programs in the schools as a result of Proposition 13.


​​Since its inception over 40 years ago, LPIE has provided funds for instruction in art, music, writing, science, and social studies. Today LPIE has more than 120 volunteers, over 100 classroom instructors, a full time executive director, and a small office staff.

Why We Exist

Public funding isn’t sufficient to adequately fund the full, engaging, and well-rounded curriculum that our community demands. Parcel taxes go a long way, but a gap remains. LPIE raises additional revenue needed to support Lafayette’s public schools.


We believe Lafayette school children need to have a well-rounded education in order to thrive in today’s world. LPIE, teaming up with parents, parent organizations, volunteers, community members, local businesses, teachers, and school districts, supports high priority school programs threatened by lack of regular funding. LPIE also brings skilled independent instructors into the classroom to share their talents and delivers extraordinary enrichment opportunities that spark students’ imaginations and ignite their dreams.



Last updated: June 23, 2024